Our architects Urban Studio have taken a stab at what our reconciliation centre could look like… let us know in the comments what you think?
Here are just a few of our favorite news articles and television documentaries written/ made about our work over the last two years...
Daily Maverick: Hope in Hillbrow: ‘If Jesus lived anywhere, it would be here’ The Daily Maverick visits a white, Christian family who moved into the centre of white fear: Hillbrow in downtown Johannesburg. JESSICA EATON finds out why. (Photos by THAPELO LEKGOWA) Read Article here Oprah Magazine: In the Heart of Hillbrow (May 2013 Issue) A family shares the sights and sounds that make Joburg’s gritty inner city the place they happily call home. By Norma Young Read article here France24: Interview with Nigel Branken (second story) Watch it here And a blog from one of our friends Sami Awad Read it here To keep updated with our stories follow us on Facebook Follow us here |
October 2020
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